Sunday 15 September 2019

Construction Methodology for Embankment Construction

Construction Methodology for Embankment Construction

1.       Name of activity:
           Embankment Construction

2.       Highway Activities

3.       Description of Activity:

Construction of Embankment Layers with all lifts and leads complete as per MORT&H technical Specifications clause 305 and as per the direction of Employer/Consultant/Engineer.
Acceptance Criteria: Min.95% of MDD & as per Cl. 903.2.2

4.       References:

a)       Ref. to Technical Specification (MORT&H Spec. & Amendments)
a.1)    Clauses: 305,903.2.2
a.2)    Tables:   300-1, 300-2.

b)      Ref. other related works prior to this activity:
b.1)   OGL Approval, Borrow Area Approval, Level Recording.

c)       Ref. to Drawing(s):
c.1)    Nil

d)      IS/IRC Specifications
d.1)   Nil

5.       Scope of Work:

    This work shall consist of construction of Embankment with the approved material from Roadway, drain excavation and  borrow pits or any other  sources approved by  Employer/Consultant/Engineer.

1.     Section In charge
2.     Site In charge
3.     Section Engineer
4.     Site Supervisor


Excavator, Dumper, Motor Grader, Water Tanker and  Vibro roller.
Setting out will be done prior to work demarking the area of execution.

The embankment  material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 250 mm compacted thickness over the entire width of embankment by mechanical means, finished by a motor grader and compacted as per Clause' 305.3.6. Maintain the same so as to achieve the specific slope and grade. Successive layers shall not be placed until the layer under construction has been thoroughly compacted to the specified requirements as in Table 300-2 and got approved by the Engineer. Each compacted layer shall be finished parallel to the final cross-section of the embankment. Moisture content of the material shall be checked at the site of placement prior to commencement of compaction; if found to be out of agreed limits, the same shall be made good. Where water is required to be added in such constructions, water shall be sprinkled from a water tanker fitted with sprinkler capable of applying water uniformly with a controllable rate of flow to variable widths of surface but without any flooding. The water shall be added uniformly and thoroughly mixed in soil by blending, dicing or harrowing until uniform moisture content is obtained throughout the depth of the layer.

If the material delivered to the roadbed is too wet, it shall be dried, by aeration and exposure to the sun, till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. Should circumstances arise, where owing to wet weather, the moisture content be reduced to the required amount by the above 'procedure. Compaction work shall be suspended. Moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked in accordance with IS: 2720 (part 2), and unless otherwise mentioned, shall be so adjusted, making due allowance for evaporation losses, that at the time of compaction it is in the range of 1 per cent above to 2 per cent below the optimum moisture content determined in accordance with  1S:2720 (Part 8) as the case may After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of graders, harrows, rotary mixers or as otherwise approved by the Engineer until the layer is uniformly wet. Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken to have a maximum size of 75 mm when being placed in the embankment

Safety and Environmental Activities:
a)     Caution Boards will be placed at the beginning and end of working site and also at risky locations.
b)    Signal man will be placed at heavy traffic locations at the time of Execution.
c)     Reflective sign boards will be placed during night near risky locations.
d)    All necessary measures shall be taken to control the disposal of all forms of waste generated by the construction operations and in all associated activities.
e)     All necessary measures and precautions shall be taken to avoid any nuisance or disturbance arising from the execution of the work.

Any other points the contractor likes to mention:

a) The manpower & machinery proposed is indicative only. The requisite quantity of resources may vary based upon site condition.
b) Any modification in execution of activity shall be done with prior information with consultant.

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