Monday 16 September 2019

Manufacturing Process/Flow Chart for Hot Mix Plant

Manufacturing Process/Flow Chart for Hot Mix Plant

1. Hot Mix Plant is used to produced the asphalt for the construction bituminous road/flexible pavement.
2.Hot Mix Plant is also termed as Asphalt Plant.
3. There are several companies who make this kind of plant.
4. The Capacity of Hot Mix Plant varies from 100 TPH to 250 TPH.
5. The  Hot Mix Plant is primary requirement of flexible road construction.
The manufacturing process of Hot Mix Plant can be better understand from flow chart as given below:-

 From the above it is clear that the basic raw materials for production of asphalt from Hot Mix Plant  are Coarser Aggregate, Finer Aggregate, Filler Material and Bitumen. The filler material may be used as cement or lime as per availablity.
 Firstly, all the aggregates sent to the Screening Drum, where all the materials distributed in different size as per screen arrangement provided as per design.
From there materials goes to Hot Bin for heating at required temperature, the heating is required so that bitumen may bind together stiffly. After getting heated from there it transfer to the Aggregate Weigher , from here the material sent to the Mixer as per Grade requirement.
At same time Filler Material and Bitumen also sent to Mixer after weight from separate provided weigher arrangment. 
After Mixing all the raw materials get deposited to Hywa and finally transported to the site for laying. 

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