Sunday 15 September 2019

Construction Methodology of Wet Mix Macadam

 Construction Methodology of Wet Mix Macadam

1.         NAME OF ACTIVITY:
           WMM Laying.

2.         Highway Activities

3.         REFERENCES:

a)         Ref. to Technical Specification (MORT&H Spec. & Amendments)
a.1)      Section: 406
a.2)      Tables:   400-12, 400-13, 900-1 and 900-3.

b)         Ref. other related works prior to this activity:
b.1)      Granular sub base top layer, level Recording, Stock Approval.

c)         Ref. to Drawing(s):
c.1)      Nil

d)         IS/IRC Specifications
d.1)      Nil

     4.    SCOPE OF WORK:

The work shall consist of laying and compacting well graded aggregate & granular material premixed with water on prepared granular sub-base for widening/new construction of carriageway, hard shoulders and service roads. The thickness of a single compacted wet mix macadam layer shall be 125 mm.


WMM plant – pug mill-         01    Nos.   
Wheel loader-                         01    Nos.
Tipper-                                    06    Nos.
Sensor paver-                          01    Nos.
Water tanker-                          01    Nos.
Vibratory roller-                      01    Nos.    
            Straight edge-                         01     Nos.
            Survey equipments-                01     Nos.
            String wire and peg set-        200 mtr (wire)
    6. Stand by Equipments: 
           Motor grader-                          01  Nos.
           Tipper-                                     02 Nos.
           Vibratory roller-                      01 Nos.


   7.     MATERIAL:     
           Physical requirements:
The aggregate shall be produced from the multiple stage crushing and screening plant. The aggregate for WMM shall confirm to the grading given in Table 400-13.

IS Sieve designation
% by weight passing the IS sieve

The material to be used shall have a Los Angeles abrasion value not more than 40% or Aggregate Impact Value not more than 30%, combined flakiness and elongation indices not more than 35%, PI value not more than 6% and if water absorption is more than 2% soundness test shall be carried out.

Wet mix macadam shall be prepared in approved mixing plant of suitable capacity of pug mill. Optimum moisture shall be determined in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part-8), due allowance shall be given for evaporation losses at the compaction it shall not vary 1% above to 2% below OMC.

Immediately after mixing it shall be transported to laying site by tippers and shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared granular sub-base by a paver finisher with electronic/Motor grader. However at the time of spreading the surface shall be checked for grade, camber and thickness with templates and high or low spots are to be rectified by removing or adding new materials.

The mix shall be laid so that a each layer of 125 mm maximum thickness is achieved after compaction. The compaction shall be done with 80 to 100kN minimum capacity static weight vibratory rollers at a speed not exceeding 5KM/hour.

The compaction shall progress from the lower edge towards the upper edge, and each pass shall overlap 1/3rd the preceding pass. The places not accessible to the roller shall be compacted with mechanical tampers or by a plate compactor.

Rolling shall be continued till such time that achieves 98% of MDD. After final compaction the surface allowed to dry for 24hours, and no vehicular traffic should be allowed till the weathering course lay.

Where the surface irregularities exceeds the permissible limits or defective due to sub grade soil getting mixed with aggregates, the full thickness of layer in the affected area to be removed and replaced by fresh material and compacted.

Field dry density will be carried out by sand replacement method and recorded.
The surface finish of construction shall conform to MORT&H 902.
During the period of construction arrangement of traffic shall be in accordance with MORT&H 112. 

9. Trial Patch Laying
            Trail patch will be carried out on prepared GSB layer of 100 m length double land     
            width. In order to establish the number of passes of vibratory roller to obtained the  
            required density for 125mm thick WMM layer.
Sample collect at site and following test in site laboratory as per clause 900 of MORT&H.
            i)    Gradation & atterberg limit       : - One test every 200 cum.    
           ii)     AIV                                          : - One test every 1000 cum (As per IS 2386-part 4)
          iii)     FI & EI                                     : - One test per 500 cum of aggregate.
                                                                            (As per IS 2386-part 4)
          iv)     Density                                      : - One test of three test per 1000 sqm.
           v)    Optimum Moisture Content

11. Lateral Confinement:-
      As the shoulder and back fill material are of different type therefore according to     MORT&H specification Clause 406.3.2 and filling in shoulder shall be commence simultaneous and compaction will be first at pavement layer i.e. WMM layer then after adjoining layer.
12. Procedure
a)      Work shall commence on site upon approval and acceptance of the sub base layer (GSB).
b)      Check whether GSB lays compaction is in fact if there is a considerable time delay (say 10 days) in laying of WMM.
c)      Shoulder shall be laid & compacted for confinement of WMM layer to be laid.
d)      The WMM shall be plant mix with moisture content within reasonable limits of the optimum moisture content as determined in field laboratory in accordance with IS-2720(Part-8).
e)      The approved Wet Mix Macadam shall be delivered to site by the Tipper/truck to prevent the loss of moisture the material shall be covered if necessary as per weather condition.
f)       The WMM shall be laid using a Paver finisher with electronic sensing device/grader (as per MORT&H clause 406.3.4).
g)      Segregation at localized areas shall be made good by back casting with fines or by immediate removal and replacement of the freshly laid Wet Mix Macadam.
h)      Transverse joints shall be lapped and longitudinal joints due to stoppage of work will have the loose removed before paving resumes.
i)       Compaction shall be carried out using vibratory roller and as per specification Rolling always commence from lower side to upper side with sufficient number of passes as decided in Trial Patch. Rollers shall move with speed not more than 5km/hr speed.
j)       The surface of WMM shall be finished to the grade and line as per required by the drawings and with in specific tolerance limit as per Clause 902 of MORT&H specification.
k)      Completion of laying and compaction approval of Engineer will be obtained for compliance with the specific requirement before proceeding with the next layer.
l)       Sampling of mixed material shall be carried out at plant or site to determine the gradation and moisture content.
m)   Top surface of 2nd layer WMM shall be check on grid level longitudinal at 10m interval in straight and at 5.0 m interval in case of super elevation; and transverse 0.5m from pavement centre line and edge of pavement and centre of L/R carriageway.


1.      Section In charge
2.      Site In charge
3.      Section Engineer
4.      Site Supervisor
·         WMM Plant
·         Tractor Dozer
·         Wheel loader
·         Motor Grader
·         Paver finisher with electronic sensing device.
·         Vibratory roller of 8T and 10T
·         Tipper truck 7cum/14cum
·         Water tanker with sprinkler (Tractor mounted or truck mounted)


WMM layer shall be measured as finished work in position and it shall be paid as per BOQ item No.3.02.


a)      Caution Boards will be placed at the beginning and end of working site and also at risky locations.
b)      Signal man will be placed at heavy traffic locations at the time of Execution.
c)      Reflective sign boards will be placed during night near risky locations.
d)      All necessary measures shall be taken to control the disposal of all forms of waste generated by the construction operations and in all associated activities.
e)      All necessary measures and precautions shall be taken to avoid any nuisance or disturbance arising from the execution of the work.
17. Site Records
Record of WMM shall as follows:-
  1. Date of laying
  2. Source of Material
  3. Weather report
  4. Machinery list/ Manpower used at site and period worked.
  5. Location and length of work (chainage) and width of layer.
  6. Test result of gradation (moisture content and field density after compaction)
  7. Level Check record with respect of design level showing deviation in design and achieve level with thickness of laid layer.
  8. Reasons for delay or obstruction of any.

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